The Dashboard Requirements Worst-Case Survival Handbook

We’ve all been there! You are sitting at your desk innocently working away when all of a sudden a meeting invite arrives with the subject line “Dashboard Requirements Meeting”. Your first instinct may be “awesome, a new project AND they have requirements, or at least want to talk about them! Better than the last time […]

The Requirements Worst-Case Survival Handbook

We’ve all been there! You are sitting at your desk innocently working away when all of a sudden a meeting invite arrives with the subject line “Dashboard Requirements Meeting”. Your first instinct may be “awesome, a new project AND they have requirements, or at least want to talk about them! Better than the last time […]

Thoughts on “Zen Masters”

These are my opinions…  Zen Master is a somewhat vague concept in the English language that arose during the first half of the 20th century, sometimes used to refer to an individual who teaches Zen Buddhism meditation and practices. This usually implied a longtime study and subsequent authorization to teach  the traditions to others. In reality, there […]