2018 has been pretty amazing for me, better than i could have ever imagined. Indulge me as I take few minutes to reflect on the year that was, and share some goals for next year.
Last year, around this time, I set some goals for myself, and I’m glad to report I achieved most of them, and some of them continue to be a work in progress.
My first goal was to continue to participate in MakeoverMonday. I’m happy to report that I will once again complete the entire year, making it 104 straight weeks of participation for me. MakeoverMonday continues to be a great learning opportunity for me and countless others and I’m proud to participate, support and evangelize it in anyway I can to others. In addition, I was blessed with being included in the MakeOver Monday book that came out this year. I can’t tell you how honored I was to be included in such a great tribute to an amazing community project! Thanks again to Andy and Eva for all they have done and continue to do for the community.
My second goal was to participate in Workout Wednesday, and while I didn’t complete as many as I would have liked to do, it’s a great program as well and I’m hoping to do more of the challenges in 2019.
My third goal was to continue to participate in Viz for Social Good and Data for a Cause. These programs continue to be near and dear to my heart and while I haven’t participated in them as much as I would have liked to this year, I do continue to share their story and encourage other to get involved. I was happy to participate in the Viz for Social Good Live event at TC18 and even made my way on stage after a quick viz. Shout outs to Chloe and Olga for their amazing work on these projects, you two are extremely special people and I’m glad to count you among my friends.
My fourth goal was to develop my own style… this one is tough and it eludes me. This is be a continued focus next year.
My fifth goal was to expand my blogging, and after a solid attempt at a collaborative blog, The Data Marks, we called the project off at TC18 as we all found we had bit off a bit more than we could collectively chew. It was a a lot of fun working with Mark Jurries and Mark Kernke and I learn few valuable lessons in the process and made a couple of new friends. Sons of Hierarchies will continue as my primary blog, but I’m always open to new adventures.
My sixth goal was to speak more, and boy did I! I spoke at all three Tableau Fringe Festival events (EMEA, APAC and NorthAm), The Pittsburgh Tableau User Group, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base with Brian Letzelter, and the Cleveland Tableau User Group. I applied to speak at TC18, and made it in to the interview round, but didn’t make the final cut. Maybe Data19 will find me on the big stage? Regardless, I’ll be in Las Vegas for the Tableau Conference.
My seventh goal was to attend TC18, and I did, and it was amazing. Reconnecting with my Data Family, meeting new friends for the first time, and walking miles and miles and miles and miles…. and miles. It was awesome.
Some other things happened during the year that were completely unexpected. The first was the inclusion in the Makeover Monday book. The second was being honored with the title to Tableau Ambassador. The third was seeing my name during Adam Grant’s keynote among so many of my heroes and peers as we were named among those who the community saw as “Most Giving”. All of these things were given to me by others, and all those who were involved I can’t thank you enough. I was truly honored by each one of these events and it made 2018 a year I will never forget.
Some other things happened as well this year, which were non-viz related but still life changing. I lost 40 pounds and trained to run a 5K at TC18 with the running group. My work at KeyBank continues to be one of the best positions I’ve held where I can apply my passions to effect change in a company as well as develop talent in others… all around a tool and a community I love; Tableau.
I’m excited about what 2019 could potentially hold for me. There are already a few things lining up which will be amazing and I can’t wait to share more details as these things emerge.
My goals for 2019 are a little more simple.
- Help those I can to achieve their goals
- Continue to challenge myself to do more
- Work to be better than I was yesterday
What are your 2019 Viz Goals?