State of the Union @ Sons of Hierarchies

The site is back, thank goodness.

A few weeks back I was hacked, and in my attempt to rescue the site, it got completely destroyed. I was devastated because I did not have a good backup (1st lesson learned). After getting updating the PHP version, and reinstalling the platform I started going through the Wayback Machine to copy blog posts and try and recover something. I was able to find less than 10 posts that were intact.

I then started going through the inner workings of my provider and found a copy of the post database from the site and was able to reverse engineer the posts back into the site. The problem is that none of the images or media were retained, so while the posts are there if I reference something like a screenshot, it is not there.

With nearly 400 posts, I don’t think I have the brain cells to try and recreate the images and such. I’m going to see what I can find in local backups, but at this point I’m satisfied with what I was able to recover and just move forward from here.

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