Every data set I’ve been blown away by the quality of submissions, and with each data set I see more an more participation and I’m equally blown away by that. So before I jump in to this recap I want to share a heart-felt thank you. Thank you for jumping in, thank you for sharing your work and thank you for sharing the project on LinkedIn and Twitter as you go. I get such nice notes regarding the project, but from those participating and those watching from the side you are using your work as inspiration! That’s all I dream up for this project… that people would jump in, create vizzes and people would be inspired and halfway through the project, I’d say the dream has been realized… so thanks so much for your continued participation!
The 6th data set was representative of data you would get from Twitter, and that might be used by a marketing team of social media team. Lots of great takes on this data set… Let’s jump in!

The first submission that absolutely blew me away came from Alice McKnight (VIZ). First impression was how clean and east to consume this dashboard was… Classic BANs across the top with the trend line and nice percent change indicator. Moving down, I loved the use of the dual axis Gannt line on the Tweets by Weekday chart to add the # of Tweets to the bar showing the percentage. Using the Gannt in that manner adds a really nice visual element to the bar chart. The “View By” navigation was really well executed and I appreciated the call out to Zak Geis who shared that tip in his design tip series. I really love the dual axis line chart here with the “invisible bubble” for the mark value. It’s just really visually interesting.

The second entry for the social media data set came from Brigid (VIZ). Overall, I really love the design of this dashboard. The use of the buttons to change the metric is really nice, and the ability to toggle on and off the different types of engagement is really well executed. The only chance I would recommend here is the color of the red and green dots used to show above and below average. When I ran them through Spectrum they appear to be the same color. Now, the average line is there, so you can visually see where the dot is, but that nice element is lost for those with a visual deficiency. I’d recommend every one using the Chrome browser to install the Spectrum extension… it’s great for quick checks of many different visual deficiencies

The last featured viz for this data set came in from Chimdi Nwosu (VIZ). The first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful calendar execution on the upper left corner. The small KPIs below the calendar and the BAN to the right make for a very informative “card”. There is some color reuse here with the orange and blue, but it’s called out in the title of the charts… so I’d say it falls in that “It Depends” category of choices. The one thing I would recommend is on the small bar collection I’d put a title on the group of charts that tell me the time frame. I was ale to see what they are using the tool tips, but a little guidance for the user who might not be interacting with the viz would be helpful. Overall this dashboard has a really nice flow from “Top Left to Bottom Right”; from the high level metrics to the details.
Data set #7 is now live on data.world, and it is centered around Healthcare and specifically Emergency Room data. Be sure and check that out and I look forward to seeing all the great work to come!