Dataset #2 is in the books! Thanks to everyone who is not only participating, but spreading the word! I love that each tweet I see with a submission is including a link on how to participate. You all rock!
This data set was focused on Financial Institution Consumer Complaints. In the real world, this dataset gets referenced quite a bit, so the fact we saw roughly double the number of submissions verses dataset #1 is awesome! Lots of great examples and ideas for people to build from in the future.
Let’s a take a look a three submissions from this dataset.
Brayden Schut – Link

I really love the simplicity of this take on the dataset. Strong KPIs across the top, with breakdowns by Product, Submission Channel, state and the complaint trend. The interactivity is really nice and the use of animation here really we done and help track changes as you interact with the vizzes.
Will Sutton – Link

Will’s take on this is super clean, and I love the color coding between the different views. ICYMI, Katie Wagner and I had this discussion during our TC-ish session back in October about how color branding views can become a guide post of sorts for users. The annotation use ont he Product Development view is a nice touch and a great way to inform users about anomalies and outliers.
John Hodgskin – Link

John took a slightly different tact in regards to geography and gave us a parameter/filter to select the state to look at for the analysis. This is a great reminder that just because you have geographic data doesn’t mean you need to include a map. If regionality doesn’t affect complaint trends, it might not be needed. But, if your complaints are tracking to specific branches or regions within your organization, there might be something more at play.
We are on a break until January 15th when dataset 3 will be published, so until then, keep on vizzin’!