I honestly don’t even know where to start! Going into TC19 I wasn’t sure what to expect, as it was my first one as an employee. My three prior conferences were all magical for different reasons (TC15, TC17, and TC18) but I have a feeling TC19 will forever remain in a special place in my heart.
Let’s start with the obvious moment; IronViz! What an incredible honor and experience to work with the IV Team, and with Lindsey Poulter as her Sour Vizzer. When I got asked if I would like the Sous Vizzer assignment I was floored, and I decided to keep it a well-guarded secret to add to the fun. I need to pause and thank the #DataFam for the reception when I was announced on stage. That was a truly special moment and the love I felt in that instance was indescribable. I love each and every one of you, please never forget that.

Iron Viz was incredible, what an amazing performance by the three contestants, Johsua, Hesham and Lindsey, along with Ivan, Lauren, Kiesha, and Andy.
My other job at conference was part of the Community Team, staffing the booth in the Data Village. It was great to meet so many new members of the Fam, and see all the old gang as they wandered through between sessions. I love talking about Tableau User Groups, the Forums, and the community at large because of all the things it has given me. Thanks to the entire Community Team for including me for TC19, I hope I made you proud.

I got asked quite a bit about how I felt as an employee at the conference, and my answer was consistent; I think I had more fun as an employee than I did an attendee, and that’s saying A LOT!
The value of the conference remains high for those in attendance form the sessions, to the hands-on training, to the customer stories, to the vendors, and time with the Devs and Leaders of the company. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I hope it continues for years to come!

One last note… We Are Data People. I was really thinking about this song, this phrase, this mantra, on the flight home from Las Vegas and to me, data is truth. One of the greatest things and most beautiful things about the conference is that everyone comes to that conference with their authentic self on display. We are Truth People, and we live our Truth at TC and for that I’m thankful. So sing it loud, sing it proud…