Real World Fake Data – Hospital ER Recap

Dataset #7 brought us data that mimicked that of an Emergency Room in a Hospital. Thanks to all that participated this round, and there were some great submissions! A couple of things to point out that I saw in several submissions that are worth mentioning. First one is regarding the exclusion of data points, particularly […]

Real World Fake Data – Higher Education Recap

Welcome back to the RWFD Recap! The latest dataset to be completed was all about High Education. Now, this is currently a fascinating topic for me as my oldest daughter has started dabbling in her college search and understanding how students are measured, and what colleges and universities are looking as has become an area […]

The Check List AKA “Oh, I forgot to…”

This is as much for me as it is all of you because I can’t tell you how many times I publish, then republish, and the probably WebEdit a dashboard before it’s “done”. The reason is that I forget the “little things” that I have to do every time I publish a viz… so combining […]

Real World Fake Data ; A Retrospective

Last summer, when I started to formulate the idea for Real World Fake Data, I wasn’t quite sure how it would be received, what participation level would be like, and what the end result would be. The original inspiration came from a request that I had received as someone was looking for an example of […]

Just 5 Minutes

You may have noticed that I started a new Podcast, so I figured I can talk a little bit about it here. To me, Just 5 Minutes is a conversation starter. I have lots of random things flashing in my head at all times and J5M is a way that I can release them into […]

Default Highlighting

by Brian Moore Of all of the things I love about Tableau, its incredible flexibility is by far number one on my list.  With a little bit of creativity, a healthy dose of tenacity, and occasionally a little help from the #datafam, you can make anything happen in Tableau.  The possibilities are literally endless.  So recently, when I […]