If you ever look at the Tableau Public API data you will see a Revision number. This number represents the number of times you’ve made a change to your workbook or dashboard. It tracks minor revisions (x.2) and major revisions as far as I can tell. Here are my revision stats for Tableau Public.

Most of the time, the revisions are because I forgot something, so it might be worth having a checklist to make sure I cross my eyes and dot my teas (yes, I did that on purpose…)
Public Checklist
☐ Have you noted your data source reference?
☐ Have you configured or removed the mobile version?
☐ Have you formatted or turned off Tooltips?
☐ Have you turned off the command controls?
☐ Have you covered any elements that you don’t want to have able to be interacted with? (float a blank dashboard object over it.)
☐ Did you use custom fonts? they won’t render, so use images if it’s crucial.
☐ Are the dashboard actions working correctly and only impacting the desired sheets?
☐ Have you hidden your sheets? (this is a personal preference for me)
☐ Are your font hierarchies consistent? (size, weight, color, etc)
☐ Did you spell-check your text/titles? (Pro-tip, if you publish to Public you can use Grammarly in the web edit window)
☐ For your Maps, did you turn off the pan/zoom options?
☐ Did you add attribution/credit where due?
☐ Did you modify or remove the grid lines, axis, and zero lines?
☐ Did you check for accessibility (color palettes, text size, etc)
What did I forget? Feel free to add a comment bellow