Set Actions!! Seems like the uses are endless right now, but here is my favorite use so far.
I’ve always wanted a way to highlight items in the Viz in Tool tip to add some context between the first visualization and the second, and with Set Actions it’s now possible!
For this example I started with Superstore Sales and created a scatter plot using Profit and Sales, by Sub-Category. I sized my marks by Profit Ratio and colored by Category

Next I create my Set on Sub-Category, with none selected.

Next, create the Tool Tip Viz, which is Sub-category by Average Discount.

Then add the viz to the tool tip on the first sheet and add it to a dashboard.
Next, Create the Set Action on the dashboard. Mine was set to Hover, and Key Set Values. Test it once, to add the action then head to you tool tip viz to apply the color.

Next, head back to your dashboard and see the results!

Here is a link to the interactive version! Click here!