From The Data Marks Both internally at work, and externally via social media the question always comes up; “How do I get started with Tableau?” Everyone learns differently, whether its class room based, videos, books, or hands-on learning, and luckily all those options are available. We should caveat this blog post by saying that your […]
Author: Mark Bradbourne
The Power of Color
ICYMI, here is my talk from the Tableau Fringe Festival on The Power of Color
Control Charts in Tableau, Or How I Learned to Quit Worrying and Love XmR
by Mark Jurries II for The Data Marks How often have you been in a situation where the new month rolls around and you see your KPI has gone up from prior month and been immediately asked “what broke” (if up is bad) or seen the celebratory dances and dreading the inevitable decline the next […]
The Importance of Feedback and Iteration
I had an awesome experience Sunday night in to Monday morning. When I saw the data for Makeover Monday I immediately saw it as a chance to learn something new. I’m constantly in awe of Rody, Adam and Ken for the things they do with curves inside Tableau, and for this set of data I […]
#MakeoverMonday Week 2 – Bar Bell Charts
For week 2 we were looking at the most sought after characteristics for a mate; men vs. women. After a bit of experimentation I finally found what I wanted to do, then it was just on the to execution. Bar Bell Charts… or DNA Charts as some call them. Across the top I included the […]
Finding Inspiration in Art for Color Palettes
It’s New Year’s Eve, and the family decided to take an afternoon trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art to check out the exhibit that will be ending in mid-January called “The Jazz Age”. it’s focused on 1920’s art and design; the art deco movement as it was coined in the 60’s. The minute I […]
2017 Year in Review + Viz Goals for 2018
Last year I made a resolution, and I’m generally not one for resolutions because I simply don’t keep them. The resolution I made was to participate in all 52 weeks of Makeover Monday. By now, I’ve talked about Makeover Monday numerous times, and how I feel about it in regards to my development in using […]
Singapore’s Building Accessibility (#MakeoverMonday Week 50)
This week’s data set was looking at building accessibility in Singapore and the elderly population in Singapore’s sub-zones (counties). A couple of things about this viz that I read like, that I don’t think I’ve bogged about before so here it goes. BYOL – Build Your Own Legend Sometime the Tableau out of the box […]
Sorting Columns from Left to Right
Imagine this if you will; you’ve created a sweet viz and published it to Tableau Public, then a few month later you get more data to add to that viz, but you can’t find the original Excel file. So what do you do? You download the viz, export the data to CSV and then start […]
Your Tableau Public Statistics
First off, this was a 100% team effort and without Josh, Rodrigo, Amar and Ken (and probably a few other folks along the way as well) it wouldn’t have happened. Apologies if iI missed your contribution but searching old Twitter feeds isn’t the easiest task! My role was honestly very limited short of testing and an idea. More proof […]